Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Another first!

When you're celebrating the many firsts in your child's life, don't forget another important one - their first library card. Even though we checked out stacks of books on a weekly basis while my children were toddlers and preschoolers, nothing matched the excitement of applying for and receiving and using that first library card to check out their very own books. In our neck of the woods, you simply need to be able to write your own name in order to apply for a card. I recall practicing with Conor and Carey and Austin so they could officially sign on the dotted line. It was a big deal and a big day.

September just happens to be "Library Card Sign-up Month" at your local library. As you're loading up on pencils and crayons and paper and binders, remember that your library card is the most important school supply of all.

Getting m
y library card was like citizenship;
it was like American citizenship.
Oprah Winfrey

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