Friday, August 28, 2009

The end of the "Reading Rainbow"

My son, Conor, emailed me the sad news that "Reading Rainbow" will be going off the air today after 26 years. Conor as a child was a devoted viewer and as an adult recalled stories and books that had left a lasting impression. I know that it was just one of the pieces of the puzzle that has made him a lover of the written word and a lifelong reader and writer.

To those of you who are new parents, "Reading Rainbow" took a look at a book and led the viewer on a related adventure. It didn't preach; it didn't teach phonics and spelling. What it did do was impart a love of reading and an appreciation for a good book through good literature. It instilled an excitement and curiosity in pre- and early readers. Being able to read does not ensure a love of reading or a lifelong reader; reading good books does. (Of course, one does need to be taught to read to get the most out of a book. Now if we can just meet in the middle between the hardcore phonics folks with the literature lovers...)

But enough preaching. If you're a fan of RR - past or present - you may wish to write to the PBS affiliate in Buffalo WNED. Email John Grant, Chief of Program and Production Officer at: I bet he'd be glad to hear from you.

Happy reading!


KGM said...

I can still see the cartoonish opening credits and hear the song in my head....I probably watched the first season....

Kathrina said...

This is so sad. RR was one of my all-time favorite shows as a kid and I was looking forward to having my daughter watch it... I read the NPR article and they're saying that they simply can't get the "several hundred thousand dollars" it needs to be extended. Not millions or billions like the taxpayer-supported bailouts, just a couple hundred thousand. I guess promoting the joy of reading isn't worth it.
